Translated from the Old Serbian with Notes by MALCOLM BURR, D.SC.
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BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE This translation is made from the text edited by Stojan Novakovic in Zakonik Stephana Dusana, Belgrade, 1898. This is a scholarly and full work. It contains the text in the original Old Serbian Cyrillic with all the MSS. variants. It has also a long introduction which deals with the circumstances of the enactment and publication of the Code, and it has also an appendix in which the code is transliterated into modern Serbian Cyrillic, and in which many of the articles are translated into modern Serbian. The editor adds many valuable historical notes, which are the basis of those given to this translation. The Old Serbian text of the code was also published, with a parallel translation into Russian, by O. Zigelj in his Zakonik Stephana Dusana, St. Petersburg, 1872. A monograph on the legislation of Stephan Dusan was published by Alexander V. Soloviev, Zakonodarstvo Stephana Dusana, Skoplje, 1928. A valuable aid to the study of the Code is provided • by Milan Wlainatz, Die agrarnechtlichen Verhaltnisse des mittelaltenlichen Serbiens, Jena, 1903. (R. R. B.) ED. NOTE. The thanks of all concerned are due to Professor Betts for goings through and revising the Translator's Notes on the clauses of the Code, and for furnishing the above Bibl. Note. The Translator writes that he has been engaged on this task off and on since 1925, and had hopes in 1939 of seeing it published, but was prevented by the war. Fortunately, when other things were destroyed, the MSS. escaped and the Review is now glad to publish it. Offprints of the whole will be available to interested parties at cost price. Published as an offprint from The Slavonic and East European Review, 1950. |